The first step in making any type of lifestyle change is to get clear on your “why”. Understanding your why will help you define what drives your behavior.
Listed below are the areas of life I deemed important to me based on my values. Values guide your behavior. Each and every time you honor your values you are paving your path to fulfillment.
Personal Development
Fun & Recreation (social, passion, hobby, fun)
Within each area of life I got clear on my “why”. Why is this important to me? How do I want to feel? Who do I want to be? The link below is a list of over 400 values, as you skim through them you will feel what resonates with you. I used many on the list as sub-categories to areas of life as well.
Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’. ~ Viktor Frankl
Today’s subconscious shift question … What will it take to allow myself more time to take care of the business of my soul?
Today’s mantra … I allow myself to take care of my own needs and wants. When I focus on myself and fuel my own energy all that I have to share is expanded and multiplied.
~ Amy Liz, CECP
Limiting Beliefs Lead to Limited Lives